Stephen Lavery
Personal Trainer and Founder of Step1 Fitness
I'm Stephen and I set up Step1 Fitness in 2019. My first dip into the world of health and fitness was at university when I got into boxing training although I never took it too seriously at the time as I was busy doing other fun uni stuff. After uni I spent a few months in Australia and joined a gym near my flat to give me something to do on weeknights as I didn’t know many people. I've always been small and skinny and I soon realised that I’d need to lift weights if I wanted to add some muscle. I got a little bit stronger, and before long I could see a noticeable difference around my shoulders and arms and had comments from friends and family. This spurred me on to keep training and soon I came to really enjoy the feeling of exercise, being able to push myself, and knowing that I was fit and healthy. I'm not blessed with good genetics for muscle growth so I had to tweak and refine things mainly out of frustration, trying different training techniques to see what worked for me.
I learnt about the importance of good nutrition and how exercise alone isn’t enough so I tidied up my diet, increased my protein intake, ate more fruit and veg and less processed foods. Bit by bit I made changes, saw the results, tweaked again all while reading and learning about fitness and nutrition to the point where it became one of my main hobbies. In 2018 I decided to put my time to good use and got my personal trainer qualifications so that I could improve my own results and help others who were struggling. Through years of reading and experimenting I have learnt what works (and more importantly, what doesn’t).
I have spent a hell of a lot of time doing the wrong things and spinning my wheels over this time. I see this around me constantly, someone joins a gym or starts a diet with the right intentions but doesn’t put the right system in place, doesn’t get results and eventually gives up. I’ve been in exactly the same place. The truth is a bit of support from a qualified coach can make all the difference and save years of wasted time. Whether your goal is weight loss, building muscle, toning up or just feeling more confident in your own skin I’ve got the knowledge and experience to help you get the results you want. I've spent over 2 years now perfecting my online training system, setting up processes and support to make the experience as positive as possible and ensuring the quality is to a consistently high standard. It incorporates everything I've learned about exercise programming, technique, nutrition and habit change so you can start getting results from day one.

REPS Level 2 Gym Instructor (2018)
REPS Level 3 Personal Trainer (2018)
Business Foundations (Advanced Coaching Academy, 2018)
Kettlebell Course (Strongfirst, 2019)
Programme Design & Training Theory (Advanced Coaching Academy, 2019)
Coaching General Population Clients (M10 Fitness, 2019)
Coaching Body Transformations (M10 Fitness, 2019)
Motivational Interviewing in Healthcare (Psychwire, 2020)
Applied Anatomy (JPS Health & Fitness, 2021)
Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA)
UK Register OF Exercise Professionals (REPS)
UK Strength and Conditioning Association Associate Member (UKSCA)